Is relaxation a skill ?
Relaxation is crucial in freediving. So far, everybody agrees, and you are probably not learning anything… Nevertheless, you may not know that two drastically different
The UAE has a long history with freediving that started in 19th century with pearl diving. In fact, perl diving is at the very origin of the cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi where fishermens moved their families. Nowadays perl diving is more a traditional activity practiced by locals. During summer 2021, Deep Dive Dubaï opens to the world and with an oyster shape it pays tribute to UAE perl diving heritage.
Water Temperature: 30° of fresh and non-chlorined water. 2,5mm wetsuit are provided for an optimal comfort. zero current, zero thermocline and a bottom at 60m
Visibility: clear and transparent water allowing up to 40m+ visibility : the only reason we don’t see the bottom is because
1. You are completly new to freediving, you can book a discover freediving experience : you will learn the basic skills freedivers use to extend their time underwater safely and dive on one breath to 5 meters !
2. You are aleardy a certified freediver : in that case, a “guided freediving experience” is for you ! Car, motorbikes, pool table, bathtub, sofa, chess board, a tree… You will start with a bit of line training to get confortable with this new environment and your instructor will show you the secrets of the pool.
Relaxation is crucial in freediving. So far, everybody agrees, and you are probably not learning anything… Nevertheless, you may not know that two drastically different
Introduction I always thought the glottis neutral/natural position was “open”. Like many freedivers, when I encountered leaking mouthfill issues, I assumed that one of the
In this article we will focus on the technique needed to dive in « classic » Frenzel (there is no question of « mouthfill »,
No, you don’t have equalization issues
Non, vous n’avez pas de problèmes de compensation